Bowen technique

is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a particular condition.

A bodywork therapy which uses exceptionally gentle, non-invasive movements to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. By releasing stress at a very deep level within the body, it has a calming effect on the Autonomic Nervous System, Bowen sets the scene for the body to heal itself. In contrast to many other hands-on therapies, Bowen does not attempt to force the body to change; rather it asks the body to recognise and make the changes necessary to bring it back to homoeostasis (physiological equilibrium).

It is best known for treating musculoskeletal problems including back and neck pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, hip, knee, and ankle conditions. It can help speed recovery from injury and to enhance sports performance. Asthma, IBS, and migraine can also respond to Bowen.  Some clients report improved energy and improve quality of sleep.

Bowen can also be of assistance in cases of emotional stress, where relaxation is a prime factor in helping to ease pain and anxiety.

So gentle, it is suitable for all ages, from a baby with colic to very elderly clients.

Bowen Therapy Professional Association have a list of conditions together with research which Bowen has been shown to be effective in treating.

what to expect and more


Martin Grasby - flexible weekday appointments


Initial consultation and treatment from £55 for 60 minutes

What to expect:

The technique involves the practitioner using their fingers and thumbs to make small, rolling movements over specific points on the body, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These movements are designed to stimulate the nervous system, activate the body's natural healing processes, and promote relaxation. 

Each Bowen Therapy session typically lasts around 60 mins, and most people find it to be a gentle, relaxing experience. Some people may require a series of sessions to achieve optimal results, depending on the nature and severity of their condition.